Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cooper is the shit.

Yesterday was fun. I enjoyed hanging out after school and carline like normal. That always makes me smile. Then i went to taco bell with Grace and some yummy quesadillas. We watched a lamely not scary movie, but it was funny so it made up for it and played some rockband. It was pretty great.

Out poetry alive thing is gunna rock the world. Its pretty amazing.

Ive spent all day thinking about things. Some good, some bad. Some somewhere in the middle. Ive been thinking about that day that her parents found out. Do i regret what happened that day? No. Should I? I mean i hate that her parents know. Not even that they know so much, more like the way they reacted to it. Yet i don't regret that day. I don't know. I would've done the exact same thing if i got to do it over again. This isn't making much sense I'm all over the place. I'm just going to stop now.


AnaSofia said...

I don't regret it either. What I do regret is thinking they had no idea. Maybe we couldve spent a little more time downstairs... Oh yea and maybe I couldve anticipated my mom coming in at that exact second... So I did have to... Umm.. You kno.

GraceEstelle said...

I looooovvveeedd Cooper!!!
I'm so glad he lived. :P