Wednesday, February 25, 2009


What really is the definition of insane?
am i there yet...
will i ever be?

Is it a life long thing...
can you get more insane than you already are?

Does questioning your sanity make you insane?

Just random thoughts.

Life is hell. Every second of it seems to be never ending... except for those few moments that make it all worth it. But will i be able to make it there? Will i last that long? i don't know. Honestly waking up every morning is an accomplishment. School is torture... yet its better than being home. Seeing my friends... her, make it manageable. I spend every class watching the clock, counting down the seconds till art, lunch, or carline. Those mere minutes are what get me through life. I might actually smile, an honest i actually am happy at this very second smile. Yet I'm sad cause i know that it has to end, making me never really truly happy. But who is anymore.

Are you? Or do just pretend. Put on a face and nod and smile... wishing you were like them. Them. Who don't have to worry about what the world will think or if they're going to break down crying right then and there. Them. Everyone wants to be like "them."


GraceEstelle said...

I pretend.

Jocelyn said...

so do i. because its easier than dealing with the world.