Friday, December 31, 2010


I know i'm supposed to have the long list or whatever but I don't really. 2010 was crazy for me. It seems like it lasted 10 years instead of just one. I'm so glad to be out of it. To try and put everything that happened in the past. It wasn't all bad though. There were lots of good things thrown in.

I made a mess of just about every friendship I had
I had breakdown after breakdown
I tore up my skin and bit my lips till they bled
I used hotsauce as lipgloss and hairties as relplacements
I lost interest in pretty much everything I cared about
I came out to pretty much the world, well the world that didn't know
I made a bestfriend that I trust with my life and has helped get through all of this.
I rekindled old friendships
I failed my driving test twice
I went to Maine and got out of here for a little while
I came out to my hardcore marine uncle and he didn't freak out, just told me she was cute and that he approved
I realized how lucky I am to have my family
I went to amazing concerts with my amazing girlfriend
I still have that amazing girlfriend
I fell back in love with film making
I became okay with myself... for the most part.

All I want from 2011 is for it to be better than 2010. And I think it will be, in fact I know it will be.


Anonymous said...


AnaSofia said...

Lovelovelove you.

Anonymous said...

I've probably told you this a lot
but I'm going to tell you one more time

Take care. Of yourself, and everyone you care about. Especially Ana.

I sincerely hope you have a great rest-of-your-life <3 even if I'm not a part of it.