Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thank you


Jocelyn said...

For spending fourth period in the bathroom with me.
For caring.

Today was hard. Every class felt like a lifetime. At least no one said anything about my fingers bleeding everywhere. It started in first period, I knew it was gunna be a bad day. Videos about knives aren't good for my mental health. By the end of 2nd period there was blood everywhere. It's been awhile since I've had a day like that.

I <3 long hugs. They're pretty much the best thing ever.

I worry about you constantly, all of you.

I shudnt be sitting here alone. Yet I am.

Baby you managed to make me smile, even if it was a small smile. For a second it was real.

I love you all <3

AnaSofia said...

You have no idea how jealous I am right now.
Ok I'm over it.

I love you.