Tuesday, February 2, 2010


1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Is what I'm about to do.
It's what I have recently done.

I miss it so much more now. i had managed at least for the most part to bury those thoughts, those urges, somwhere in the back of my mind. Now they've been brought foward. Back into my constant everyday thoughts. Yeah you were right when you told me to take it out of my mouth... If you hadn't been standing right there it probly would have accidently slipped back into my mouth. I know I've told you that I have it under control and most of the time I do, but other times I just don't know. I don't trust myself anymore. How can I?

You have seen me at my worst and you didn't run, in fact you knew exactly what to do. All of this has made us incredibly close, we understand eachother. You mean a whole lot to me I hope you know that.

Babyy :) I lovee you so much. Everything is back to feeling right again. You looked super cute in my jacket today. And even though I was in an awful mood after lunch you managed to make me forget all about it. All you had to do was smile at me and all the hurt melted away. I love you so much beautiful <3

I know everything has been hard on you. I'm not sure you know how to deal with all of this. But I do know that you're not going anywhere. That you would never hurt me. I trust you, which is a big deal for me. I've told you a thousand times that I'm not going anywhere, don't forget that.

So much more can be said about everything that has been going on. And I will. I'm going to start blogging more often again. I miss it. At least once a week... More if I can.

I love you all <3