I feel like I'm back in the first month we were dating. Back when I listened to love songs on repeat for hours and spent all of my classes day dreaming about you. Those love songs are playing right now and I spent all of algebra dreaming about you. Back when I was counting down the minutes before I could hug you again and sending you dorky emails every other second. I love us, I love how we can never get enough of each other, that we still act all cute and everything even though we've been dating for a while. You know? Like you still give me a adorable dorky grin when I call you cute or beautiful or when I grab your hand. You still tell me you love me like every second of the day. We still text constantly. You still send me mushy emails and make me cute things. Like the heart that's now on my desk. Look how cute my girlfriend is... making me hearts out of clay.

I still love it even if you don't. Baby you amaze me, yeah I'm a dork. I listened to that song today.
I love that we finish each others sentences or type the same things at the exact same time.
I love that you understand what I'm trying to say even when I can't get a word out.
I love that we can stay up till insane hours of the night doing absolutly nothing.
I love that we can talk about video games for hours.
I love that you're there for me.
I love that you're you.
Fuck I still need to do that floor plan.
My new long sleeve shirts make me happyyy.
Ke$ha concert? Please?
Aha it'd be a while since I hid behind a wall for you :P
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