You have reached a milestone, sweet sixteen
What does it mean for you, now a mid teen?
It should be exciting and filled with dreams,
But we know life is unfair, and people can be mean...
Although you may not think it so,
These times will pass and you will grow.
You will be stronger as you journey afar,
Because you are loved for who you are.
While others lack understanding and grace,
You will be rewarded for the struggles you face,
Because your path is sincere, honest, and true,
Because you are loved for who you are.
Focus on happy times with family and friends,
Ignore those, whose ignorance forbids them to see,
What a beautiful loving person we know you to be,
Because you are loved for you are and will be.
You are different, and special, we always knew that,
While others may be confused
In their thoughts and deeds,
We couldn't be more proud of your courage and reslove.
Please never forget you are loved for who you are.
We love you, Grandma and Grandpa
When I think about how maturea nd responsible you are, I feel so proud... but at the same time, I wish i could keep you from growing up so fast. I see you becoming more and more independent- able to think for yourself, make your own decisions, and stand up for what you think is right. And while I may not appreciate that when we disagree, I know those same qualities are going to help you take care of yourself out in the world. So please... cut me some slack if i treat you like a kid sometimes. I hope you understand how much i love you and that I am really excited about the great future ahead of you.
We are so proud of the women you've turned out to be. Stay strong and believe. We love you, Mom and Dad.
I found my birthday cards from last year when I was cleaning. Is it bad that they made me cry?
I love my family.