I missed this, I missed us. Everything feels right again. I love you baby.
-I don't even care anymore. I did care, a whole hell of a lot. But then you went and made it worse. I missed you, I stilled cared about you. But now i just don't understand how you turned into this person. This person who can't even put anything into perspective. I just don't understand, and I'm done trying. I'm done wasting my energy and thoughts on this. I'm done with it all. And I really don't like this new you. In fact I think you're super mean. And super mean to the people I care most about. So stay away from them. They don't need you hurting them too.
This week had been pretty damn fantastic.
I'm trying to post a happy blog. Not post any of those thoughts. So I'm just going to end it there.
I love you guys.
and I love my amazingly beautiful girlfriend <3